Well, the short answer is yes, it is important. But not just for the reasons mentioned. Healthy teeth and gums are definitely vital to our oral well-being, but routine dental care offers more than just avoiding rotten teeth and cavities. It might just save your life.
Preventative Care
Nowadays, many dentists emphasize the importance of preventative care to patients of all ages. That is, dental care that prevents the development and spread of disease and disease-causing bacteria. Brushing and flossing twice daily are at the top of the list of preventative measures, which can also include antibacterial mouthwashes and rinses. Regular checkups usually involve an oral examination during which your dentists examines the mouth, teeth and gums, looking for trauma, inflammation, broken teeth, or damage to existing fillings. Dental x-rays are taken so that any internal issues can be identified.
More than Just Teeth
Regular dental care means whole-body wellness. Much research has been done surrounding the link between dental health and medical issues, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Many conditions can be identified through an oral examination. Besides tooth and gum problems, your dentist is also looking for signs of other illnesses including diabetes and cancer.
Bacteria from untreated gum discolored can spread infection to other parts of your body. Gum disease can create additional issues for people with diabetes as severe periodontal disease can lead to increased blood sugar levels making diabetes much harder to control. Pregnant women are susceptible to effects of gum disease and infection. Babies born to women with periodontal disease have an increased chance to be born too early or smaller in size.
Prevention saves money!
Routine dental care can also be better for your wallet! Preventative care and dental checkups can help prevent worse conditions from developing, whereupon more intrusive, complex and expensive treatments are required. Avoiding costly deep cleanings, or tooth replacement is a benefit few of us can literally not afford to ignore!
The Escondido dental practice of Dr. Marler and Dr. Campbell recommends that patients should visit their dentist every six months for a checkup. Contact us today to find out how we can help you attain the best in overall health and well-being or schedule your next appointment.
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