Friday, May 15, 2015

Why are Root Canals Done on Baby Teeth?

Endodontics is the area of dentistry concerned with dental pulp – the soft central part of a tooth. Although root canals are usually sought out by adults, children can benefit from this therapy as well. The desired end result of any root canal therapy is a tooth that is free of infection and decay – even if that tooth is a baby tooth.

Why have a Root Canal?

If a child's baby tooth is showing signs of severe tooth decay or has been damaged by physical trauma, it is possible to save that tooth with a root canal. Although baby teeth will eventually fall out, they are essential for proper biting and chewing, for speech development, and as “space holders” for permanent teeth. In order to ascertain whether a root canal is the right option, the dentist will consider the following:

  • Which tooth is damaged?
  • How long before that tooth falls out naturally?
  • How much damage is there?
  • Has the surrounding bone or gum been damaged?
Baby teeth do fall out naturally, but that doesn't mean its okay to extract an infected baby tooth without just cause. In fact, because of the success of root canal treatments for children, most teeth can be saved and still function until the adult teeth come in and naturally push the baby tooth out.

The Process

The treatment involves removing all of the pulp and thoroughly cleaning the inner portion of the tooth. Once clean, the dentist fills the empty space with a special material called gutta-percha. The tooth is then capped with a stainless steel crown in order to protect it. Depending on the tooth’s location, the crown can also be covered with a white, tooth-colored material for a more aesthetic result.

It is very important for the child to continue a regime of regular brushing and flushing to prevent any new oral problems. Depending on the severity of the case, root canal therapy may take more than one visit. Your family dentist will speak to you about your child’s oral health and the treatment plan to correct it.

Talk to your Family Dentist in Escondido

If your child has been complaining about a tooth ache for more than a few days, or has suffered a dental emergency, contact The Marler Campbell Dental Group to schedule an appointment. Primary teeth are important to the development of your child’s long-term oral health. Our family dental practice in Escondido dedicates their services to patients of all ages.

Friday, May 1, 2015

5 Tips to Prevent Dental Caries

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and preventive measures can be lifesavers when it comes to dental health and wellness. Dental caries – otherwise known as tooth decay – are one of the most common, preventable conditions among Americans of all ages.

Tooth decay causes the erosion of the tooth's enamel; bacteria in plaque produce acids which attack the enamel, causing it to break down. But, with a little effort, the following tips can help anyone avoid the pain and discomfort caused by tooth decay.

Supplemental fluorides can be used to strengthen teeth. Fluoride is a mineral found in naturally in the earth, and artificially in drinking water. It can protect against tooth decay by strengthening the enamel, resisting acids, and preventing erosion. Fluoride is found in toothpastes, mouth rinses, and in therapies provided by your dentist.

Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are a protective coating that is applied to the surface of the premolars and molars in the back of the mouth, where decay often starts. Sealants are painted onto the tooth enamel where it bonds, forming a protective shell, keeping food and bacteria out of the tooth's crevices.

Brush and Floss
Brushing and flossing regularly are two of the most effective at-home methods of fighting tooth decay and gum disease. Debris can be removed from teeth by thoroughly cleaning the surface of the teeth and gums at least twice a day.
Flossing will remove food particles found in between the teeth and along the gum line. Dentists are able to provide guidance and instruction on how to properly brush and floss – be sure to ask for a demonstration if needed!

You are what you eat, and in the case of dental caries, sugar and acids contribute to bad bacteria thriving. Eating a nutritious and balanced diet, limiting snacks and sugary foods, and avoiding carbohydrates that break down into sugars will help avoid tooth decay. If eating snacks or sugary foods is unavoidable, brushing afterward helps to remove the bacteria that has settled on your teeth and gums.

Regular Dental Checkups
As effective as all other solutions may be, the best thing for teeth is a professional cleaning and examination. Dentists are able to remove surface plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums, and they can spot any developing issues before they become problematic. In addition to preventing and spotting dental caries, an oral exam allows dentists to look for signs of other illnesses, including gum disease and cancerous lesions.

Contact the Marler Campbell Dental Group with any questions regarding preventive care, tooth decay, and your dental care plan.The family dental practice accepts patients in and around Escondido, CA.